2023.11.29 Lecture / Contribution
Principal Research Fellow Soejima participated as a panelist at Embedded Finance Days 2023.
2023.11.29 Lecture / Contribution
At the study session of the Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association, Senior Research Fellow Nakayama gave a presentation.
2023.11.20 Lecture / Contribution
Senior Research Fellow Nakayama speaks at the 4th Digital Currency/Finance Workshop at the University of Tokyo
2023.11.17 Lecture / Contribution
Deputy Secretary General Muramatsu's contribution was published in the Winter 2023 issue of Financial & Capital Markets Research.
2023.11.17 Lecture / Contribution
Principal Research Fellow Soejima participated in a panel talk at HANEDA EXPO organized by Haneda Future Research Institute
2023.11.13 Lecture / Contribution
Principal Research Fellow Soejima made a keynote report and participated in discussions at the international workshop "Central Bank Digital Currency and its Implication for Financial Stability and Monetary Policies" hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
2023.11.10 Lecture / Contribution
Dr. Nakayama made a presentation at the EIC's Workshop on Technology, Society, and Ethics
2023.10.27 Lecture / Contribution
Senior Research Fellow Nakayama's comments were published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
2023.10.25 Lecture / Contribution
Principal Research Fellow Soejima's contribution was published in the October issue of the Securities Analysts Journal.
2023.7.14 Lecture / Contribution
Yutaka Soejima, Principal Research Fellow, was a speaker at the global conference “WebX” (26 July from 12:30).