SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute


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SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute is a think tank to study and research for future generation digital finance from various viewpoints, which was established as a member of the SBI group in April 2021.We sincerely appreciate your support for the company establishment.

New technologies such as DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) and blockchain, which emerged in 2008, have entered the era of maturity. Those technologies come into practical use in various parts of our society, especially in the financial industry.

Since its establishment in 1999, the SBI Group has focused on the future business potential of online financial services and has been the pioneer of new business by establishing SBI SECURITIES and SBI Sumishin Net Bank. In the field of so-called digital assets trading business, SBI Group company launched STO (Security Token Offering) for the first time in Japan in 2020 and is starting NFT(Non-fungible token) business in 2021. SBI Group has been challenging to create new business services while following rapid progress of the technology.

SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute is aiming to deepen the collaboration between various academic experts and practical knowledge and experience acquired across group companies.

Through these activities, we will conduct research for the issues that should be addressed for making more further development of future generation digital finance and the method of fostering the so-called digital space trading market, with various point of views such as finance, economics, legal systems, and technologies. In addition, we will actively make policy proposals and share the findings. We also continue to transmit high quality information of future generation digital finance and improve social Fintech literacy.

The Institute will contribute to build a better society by our outputs and policy proposals aiming for the realization of future generation digital finance.We would appreciate your continued support and encouragement.

SBI Financial and Economic Research Institute
Takako Masai


  • Honorary Chairperson

    Heizo Takenaka

    Born in 1951. He graduated from Hitotsubashi University and is a Ph.D. (economics). He is a visiting associate professor at Harvard University, professor at the Faculty of Economics, Keio University, and an honorary professor at Keio University. He has served as Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policies, State Minister in Charge of Financial Affairs, and Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Koizumi Cabinet. He also serves as a director of the World Economic Forum (Davos Conference).

  • Chairperson

    Takako Masai

    Born in 1965. She promotes financial market-related operations at Toronto-Dominion Bank, Credit Agricole Bank, Shinsei Bank, etc. She becomes Shinsei Bank's first female executive officer, and she is appointed as a Member of Policy Board of Bank of Japan.

  • Director

    Tatsuo Yamasaki

    Born in 1957. He is a graduate of the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law. He joined the Ministry of Finance. He has served as a counselor of the Financial Services Agency and a finance minister. After he retired in 2015, he analyzed the international financial situation as a specially appointed professor at the International University of Health and Welfare and a professor at SBI Graduate School.

  • Director

    Takero Doi

    Born in 1970. He graduated from Osaka University in 1993 and completed the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo in 1999. He is a Ph.D. (Economics). He is an assistant at the Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo, a visiting researcher at the University of California, San Diego, and a professor at the Faculty of Economics, Keio University. He is also a member of the Government Tax Commission, the Administrative Reform Promotion Council, the All-Generation Social Security Construction Council, and the Financial System Council. A recent book, "How was Heisei's Economic Policy Determined?"